
Tuesday, January 31, 2012 development server failed to start listening on port xxxx.

 I got the message: development server failed to start listening on port xxxx.
Error Message: only one usage of each socket address is normally permitted .

Search on net, people all think that if the port is not available, just change the port for the web development server and it will work. Based on this theory, I changed the port number of the ASP.NET web development server, and it worked for me. I typed the steps here…
Go to the Solution Explorer in Visual Studio, click on the web site application, hit ‘F4′ key to bring up the application’s property window. In this property window, set ‘Use Dynamic Port’ to ‘False’, and you will be able to set the Port number to a number other than the previous port number.
See this official MSDN document on how to change the port number for the ASP.NET development server: